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10 Tips For Those Who Want to Create An İmpressive CV

We have compiled the steps that candidates who want to find a job in Europe should pay attention to while preparing their CV. If you follow these steps carefully, you will be sure to get a return for your job application.

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10 Tips For Those Who Want to Create An İmpressive CV

1. Consider Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar Rules

One of the issues that recruiters complain about the most is the lack of attention to spelling and punctuation. These mistakes are among the leading reasons for eliminating candidates. In fact, according to a recent survey, 76% of HR professionals said that one or two typos on the resume were enough to disqualify the candidate. Therefore, you are expected to take great care in preparing your resume. To achieve this, you need to have a good command of grammar and spelling. You can also use a spell checker. But this option alone will not be enough. If you do not have a good command of the language rules, you should definitely get professional support while preparing a CV.

2. Do Not İnclude Your Photo Unless Specifically Requested

When looking for a job abroad, it is requested that your photo does not affect your personal evaluation positively or negatively. For this reason, you are usually not asked to add a photo to a CV. It can be distracting, so it would be beneficial for you not to add photos.

3. The Design Of Your Resume Should Be Simple And Clear, Try Not To Use Colored Components

One of the basic rules of preparing a resume is to use a simple and understandable theme. Using colored backgrounds or text is a signal for Human Resources Professionals to screen you. Because they have trouble reading and can be distracted. So the CV should not be complicated. It is generally recommended that the background be white and the main color black. Arial 11 is considered sufficient as the font size.

4. Use A Professional Email Address

Using a humorous e-mail with different nouns and adjectives can negatively affect your image in job applications. If you wish, you can use such e-mail addresses in your personal correspondence. However, for your professional work or job applications, you must create an e-mail with your name and surname.

5. Make Sure Your Contact Addresses Are Correct

You should make sure that your contact information such as phone, e-mail, fax that you share is correct. Even if a letter or number is incorrect, the evaluator may not be able to reach you. In this case, he can head to a different island in order not to waste time. To avoid such a situation, be sure to review your resume before sending it.

6. Avoid Writing Paragraphs Full Of Long Sentences

Do not use very long sentences and paragraphs to describe your experiences or work. Because this makes your resume difficult to read. You should write what you have done in substance and with short explanations. It is sufficient to add an average of 5 short and clear articles or sentences. It is not recommended as it would be excessive.

7. Provide Short And Clear İnformation, Do Not İnclude Confusing Details

Giving too much and detailed information can confuse and perhaps annoy the human resources professional. Therefore, do not write down all your work experiences. You can prepare your resume according to the job and company you are applying for. It is recommended that you prepare it with short, clear and understandable information without going into details.

8. Instead Of Using Buzz Words, Be Original

There are popular words such as “result-oriented, innovative, dynamic, team player, motivated” that have been used recently. These words no longer work. Because it is used very often. It is also not seen as sufficient to define you. Instead of using these words, it will be more effective to include adjectives that will measure your contributions.

9. Include Hobbies That Are Related To Your Work Or That You Dedicate Yourself To

If you have hobbies related to the positions you are applying for, be sure to mention them. Writing down your hobbies effectively and clearly will strengthen your application. Evaluators will also test the eligibility of your application by looking at these criteria. That’s why you should think a few times before listing your interests.

10. Talk About The Values You Have Added To Your Workplace İn Your Previous Experiences

When talking about your previous experiences, don’t just talk about the responsibilities you’ve taken. Also tell about the values ​​you add to that company. If you do, you will attract the evaluator’s attention. Thus, your resume will be more likely to stand out than others.

We hope it will be an enjoyable and instructive article.


Koala HR Solutions
Koala HR Solutions

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